Andri Elistiawan

Jl Raya Parung-Bogor Kab.Bogor Jawa-Barat +62858-8130-1274

I am an IT professional with 6 years of experience as a Software Support Specialist and System/Network Technician in a retail company.
Currently, I am an active student at Pamulang University, Faculty of Computer Science, Undergraduate Informatics Engineering Study Program.
And I am someone who is very interested in application design, looking for ideas for application design and development.
On the other hand, I am also very interested in analyzing data.


Sales Assistant

PT Ria Indah Mandiri

Focus on product knowledge and management of ready-to-sell goods including inventory control, making sales to achieve targets set by management

November 2013 - June 2014

Staff Administration

PT Ria Indah Mandiri

Physical receipt of goods and data. Recapitulation of goods inventory (Assets and Non-Assets). Recapitulation of employee salaries. Administrative coordination and reporting with relevant divisions. Helping other store operations.

June 2014 - july 2015

EDP (Entry Data Processing)

PT Ria Indah Mandiri

Perform software and hardware installation. Software and hardware maintenance. Implementation of stock take. Maintenance of servers and other devices. Maintenance of database servers and clients. Update databases and programs according to central IT directions. Provide direction to the store related to development. Implementation of the program to the store. Assist other operations.

July 2015 - December 2022


Pamulang University

College Student
Computer Science - Informatics Engineering

GPA: 3.64

August 2020 - Present


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Desktop-First, Responsive Design And Algorithms
  • SQL And Database Integrity
  • Application Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams


Apart from being a student, I enjoy most of my time running a laundry business at home. In my free time I fill it with honing my skills in the world of programming. During the last 1 month I have been more busy with activities to hone my skills and laundry management.

When forced to leave the house, I travel to several tourist attractions in Jakarta, one of which is the National Monument and Jakarta Old Town, and this is always balanced with productive time, namely by visiting the Jakarta National Library to explore more knowledge about developing technology.

Awards & Certifications

  • Working Experience Letter As EDP For 6 Years.
  • Chief executive of PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) - Sikap Dalam Menghadapi Perkembangan Teknologi.
  • Dicoding presence - Mulai Langkahmu Sebagai Back-End Engineer.
  • Dicoding presence - Dicoding Developer Coaching #75 : Machine Learning | Pengenalan Bahasa Pemrograman Python.